Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kale Chips...a close second to popcorn?

This summer we have enjoyed snacking on kale chips. They are crispy, salty and so delicious. My girls love them almost as much as popcorn! (And do we love popcorn.)
These are simple to make:
1 bunch of kale
Salt and Pepper
Wash the kale -- I am sure to inspect each leaf, otherwise you may be eating more than just a leafy green! Then dry -- I use a salad spinner. Spread the kale on a cookie sheet and drizzle with evoo, salt and pepper. Give it a little toss then into a 400 oven for about 10 min. This picture here is of the kale before cooking -- I think we ate it up before I could get a final photo.
** do not try to cook two cookie sheets on the top and bottom racks -- that kale burns to shrivles! (laura - did i spell that right?)


  1. I will definately have to try this.....almost as good as popcorn??? Hard to believe! : )

  2. Can't wait to try this!! Have the kale in the fridge just waiting!!

  3. Oh, and I must say, I tried these when Sara made them and they are sooooo good!!
