Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kale Chips...a close second to popcorn?

This summer we have enjoyed snacking on kale chips. They are crispy, salty and so delicious. My girls love them almost as much as popcorn! (And do we love popcorn.)
These are simple to make:
1 bunch of kale
Salt and Pepper
Wash the kale -- I am sure to inspect each leaf, otherwise you may be eating more than just a leafy green! Then dry -- I use a salad spinner. Spread the kale on a cookie sheet and drizzle with evoo, salt and pepper. Give it a little toss then into a 400 oven for about 10 min. This picture here is of the kale before cooking -- I think we ate it up before I could get a final photo.
** do not try to cook two cookie sheets on the top and bottom racks -- that kale burns to shrivles! (laura - did i spell that right?)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I love you Alice Waters!

Alice Waters is a wonderful chef who loves all things fresh, local and simple. This cookbook has tons of great recipes and has lots of great info on all different types of ingredients. One recipe that we recently tried and enjoyed was her carrot soup. Thought I would share this great, seasonal recipe with you because I am making it for dinner tonight (assuming I am not too tired by the time my husband Patrick gets home from work!!)

Carrot Soup (by Alice Waters)

Melt in a large pot 4 T of butter. Add 2 sliced onions and a sprig of thyme. Cook over medium-low heat until tender, about 10 minutes. Add 2 1/2 pounds of carrots, peeled and sliced. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes and then add 6 cups broth. I did chicken and it was delish. Bring to boil, then simmer until carrots are tender - about 30 minutes. When done, season with salt and pepper and then puree either in a traditional blender or with an immersion blender (I prefer the immersion blender because it saves you a few steps and you have a few less dirty dishes).

Alice suggested garnishing the top with a bit of creme fraiche. We tried this and it was excellent!! Tonight I will be serving this soup along with some parmesan cheese biscuits made with a Multi Grain Baking Mix from Trader Joe's.

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

What is the 4th of July without homemade ice cream?

We took the vanilla recipe from our ice cream maker book and turned it into Mint Chocolate. I must say...delish!

Mint Chocolate:

2 cups whole milk

1 cup sugar

1/4 tsp salt

4 cups light or table cream

2 T. vanilla

4 -5 sprigs of fresh peppermint leaves

1 large dark chocolate candy bar

Scald milk with mint leaves. Let sit for a few minutes, then remove leaves. Add sugar and salt to warm milk and stir until disolved. Add the cream. Stir in the vanilla. Cool. Turn into the ice cream maker - this took approximately 30 minutes. Then we stirred in the grated chocolate bar.